Charlie Lucas Band
The boys of the Charlie Lucas Band are more than just bandmates – they are friends. This really helps the whole badass-music-making process, because this friendship allows musical direction and constructive criticism to be conveyed without feelings getting hurt. These guys are all about friends and family, which lends itself to them being grounded and humble. The underlying theme is "be laid back and just have fun with it."

When they hit the practice room, the only things guaranteed are that there will be cold beer and many different obvious musical influences floating around the room. When these boys "loosen up" as practice begins you might hear anything from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Stone Temple Pilots to Merle Haggard and even some Metallica riffs. If you listen closely to Which Way To Turn – which I highly recommend you do – you will hear all those influences.

Josh Kimich is the band's lead guitar player. He can hold his own against anyone in the industry (and surpass most). The bass player, Elvin "Pooky" Burnett, was a headbanger for 15 years, but has now found his way into the country rock arena. Pooky's long metal roots enhance and help define the Charlie Lucas Band's unique sound. The drummer, Ken Dimick, can do it all. He knows every song imaginable, from 80's rock to today's country to headbangin metal. Finally, we have Charlie Lucas, who is the adhesive that holds these free spirits together. The raspy delivery of his lyrical genius gives him a sound all his own. People ask me who he sounds like, and I always have to tell them, "Really, nobody." In this age of the Nashville dancin chickens or karaoke cowboys, Charlie's novel voice is quite refreshing.