Dirty Penny
The long-awaited second album from Dirty Penny is sitting on the boilerplate, bubbling over and itching to be unleashed on the eardrums of Rock N Roll fans across the globe. The mass following ‘The Boys’, (Binge Daniels on vocals, Jonny Prynce on guitar, Tyno Vincent on bass, and Spanky Savage on drums) have developed over the past three years is nothing short of amazing. It seems, to the ill informed, that the road-warrior, un relentless attitude, sleepless nights and booze-fueled mayhem has thrust Dirty Penny into the spotlight: on accident.

But rest assured, with one listen, this is no accident.

Having developed an incredibly strong fan base in America, a following overseas that has tattooed ‘The Boys’ brand onto their bodies and a spine-shivering, electric live show to match – it seems their antics have begun to pay off – big time.