This Houston, Texas, native began his comedy career at Houston's Hip Hop Comedy Stop during an amateur night show. After succeeding the first night, the club's owner encouraged him to come back, and Ezra quickly became a house favorite. Being a regular performer at the club gave Ezra the opportunity to listen and learn from the best in the business. Ezra received huge kudos from Michael Colyar and Cedric the Entertainer, and a ton of advice from Steve Harvey. Learning to sit down and write CLEAN material was the key to succeeding on stage, and Ezra moved up from weekend warm up to house opener which gave him the opportunity to open for many of today's top bill comics from Steve Harvey, Cedric the Entertainer, Paul Mooney, and a host of others. "I'm just grateful that David Raibon gave me the weekend spots because I got the chance of a lifetime to learn firsthand from Michael Colyar, Steve , Cedric, T .K. Carter, J. Anthony Brown, and all the others because now these guys are so huge, you can't get that one on one with them. "I even opened the show on Ladies Night! Now I'm a Headliner! Perseverance is the key!" says Ezra.