Engineered for success, designed for accomplishment, endowed with the seed of greatness, the story of Leroy Williams‘ rise to HypnoBro is encouragement personified. A twist of fate led Williams through a long and arduous journey to realize the seed of success that lay within his desire to do a stand-up comedy routine.

Though secure and comfortable in his position with the Corps of Engineers in Norfolk, Virginia, the challenges of life were overwhelming and led to a threatening despondency. The laughter had ebbed. Life was no longer fun. He had come to a fork in the road and self-destruction loomed heavily before him.

Leroy Williams decided to follow that inner desire to perform a stand-up comedy routine. Venturing into uncharted territory, he attended an open mic contest at a local comedy club and walked away the first place winner. Wild applause and infectious laughter at his brand of humor won for him the job of emcee for the following week. Laughter had reigned. Since that day in 1989, Williams, with dogged determination has charted a path for his success, studying his craft, honing his skills and trusting that the talent he was given had been destined for success.

Today Leroy Williams employs the use of hypnosis in his show; a craft that he studied to enhance his already successful stand-up routine. Hypnotic improvisation adds electrifying excitement through audience participation. Always a wild and wacky show but never embarrassing to his guests, Williams’ hypnotic suggestions include having participants believe that they can sing like Aretha Franklin.