Lance Lopez
Born in Shreveport, Louisiana in 1977, music has always been in Lance Lopez’s blood…as early as being in the womb. When the family had parties at their home, in rural Shreveport, Lance would bounce and roll in his mother’s womb the louder the music got. They would play the records of Joe Tex, K.C. and the Sunshine Band and many other old school artists. Lance’s father was stationed in the Army in Germany with Elvis Presley in the late 1950’s and had a friendship with the legendary entertainer which had a profound influence on young LL. Sadly Elvis died 1 month and 2 weeks before LL was born and so he never got to meet the King, although as early as age 3 his father showed him footage of Elvis throughout his career which inspired LL in what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He began playing guitar at age 8, after his Father bought him an acoustic guitar for Christmas. He soon graduated on to a Japanese Squier Stratocaster and began emulating everything he heard on the radio or saw on television.