Thanks so much for listening to my music that I call Organica™. Organica is a ferociously nuanced hybrid of Alternative Pop (AAA*) that is deeply rooted in lush vocals, ambient guitars, with thick, dynamic grooves all created by humans not machines. Yummy!
The Rolling Stones song, Heaven, inspired the concept of my new album Habit. I needed to create something gritty and ambient with lo-fi elements because my ears were saturated and over stimulated with the cloned sounds of today’s pop culture environment. Habit is a collection of songs with a penetrating pulse that defines my human condition of late. If you put together the myriad of contrasting emotions of my past two years in a set list, and you will have Habit.
As for the title and the title song, everyone’s got a Habit (or two). Be it positive or negative, a habit can be the ultimate distraction, what slowly kills you, or what sets you free. So, choose your Habit wisely. I hope you start with mine. Margo Rey