Greater Tuna

This fall the comedy about Texas’ third smallest town, where the Lions Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies, will come to life at the Historic Texas Theatre!

Greater Tuna was originally produced in 1981 in Austin, Texas, by it’s authors, Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed Howard. The play’s stars, Williams and Sears, played all twenty characters and Howard directed. One year after its premier, Greater Tuna opened Off-Broadway, ran for over a year and went on to tour major theatres all over America and spots overseas for the next thirty some years, and became one of the most produced plays in American theatre history.

PCT’s production of Greater Tuna has a cast of two men, John Lamb and Gerry Goodwin each playing ten different roles of both genders and various ages, with lightning-speed changes and varied voice work under the direction of Carol Moore.