Stevie Starlite
You can't miss his eyeball poppin' photos in Entertainer club ads. You often wonder what his "XXX Rated" rock is all about, but make no mistake about it, Stevie Starlite is one of the hardest working and longest running club acts on the suburban circuit. Back in 1988, Mick Hans reviewed Stevie's newest cassette released in his "Around Hear" column. "Stevie Starlite shakes and leers his way through originals like 'The Girl With The Scab' and 'Baby Are You Stanky' on his new Live From The South Side cassette. I'm sure Starlite's ex-girlfriends wondered if he was writing about them. Even with his abrasive demeanor, Starlite can still be found packin' em in almost [38 years] later."