The American Tragedy is an explosive rock band established in Shreveport, LA in 2000 and has since been like a locomotive in an ever changing musical climate. They tie together raging guitar riffs, thundering drums, and beautiful rock vocals without compromising the integrity of the song. Traditional songwriting formulas do not apply to The American Tragedy's songs. They have something different and that difference has kept the die hard fans intact and has continued to win over newer generations with its "so what" attitude of rock and roll for a decade. The band was established in 2000 and grew popular quickly. They were voted to appear on USA networks popular television show "FarmClub" where they gained even more attention. They've self released 4 albums, toured with many major label bands, sold over 30,000 copies of thier albums all with help from only the fans.The fans are the lifeblood of the music and it shows in attendance.