“The Robin Hood Caper,” written by Fred Carmichael, borrows the old plot “rob from the rich and give to the poor,” but not even Robin Hood would recognize the hilarious modern slant given to it. Director Jim Vincill will bring this sidesplitting comedy to life in one of the oldest and most beautiful stages in East Texas.
In “The Robin Hood Caper,” four old people meet semi-annually to report to each other on their works within their private club “Charities Anonymous.” Their meeting this season is in the home of Flora Langley’s nephew, a small town newspaper man. It turns out that the nephew, Richard, is about to lose his newspaper because of an article he wrote exposing the town’s grafting mayor. The old people, of course, have to get involved in the battle to save both the newspaper and the romance between Richard and his fiancée, Jessica. In the end, the secrets are revealed, love triumphs, and the real bad guys get their proper punishment.