Things That Hurt...
"Things That Hurt" centers around the Lewis family, brought together after their patriarch, Dr. Edward Lewis, is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. His wife, Mona, drinking heavily and "numbing herself’ is joined by her son Ronald and daughter Karen who also harbor their own deep secrets. The observer of the chaos; a young nurse, Beverly, who was hired by the Lewis’s just before the diagnosis joins in the chaos when she marries Ronald months later. Edward announces he’s considering assisted suicide to eliminate the suffering. They convince him to change his mind and six year later, they find themselves bearing the brunt of this decision. Tensions bubble over as Edward is kicked out of the assisted living home. Bursting with irrepressible humor and intelligence, “Things That Hurt” is dense, funny and compassionate.

The show features Taurean Blacque, Starletta DuBois, Tanya Freeman, Nysa Loudon and Robb Douglas.