206 Main Street
Hordville, Nebraska 68846
Hordville's history boasted businesses thriving with customers after its incorporation in 1906. the town once consisted of five doctors, four grocery stores, a drug store, a jewelry store, a hardware store, a photography studio, a garage, a blacksmith shop, a hatchery, a lumberyard, a barbershop, a shoe repair shop, several cafes, a hotel and a livery stable.
Through the years almost all of those businesses have become mere memories of the past and the bustling town full of life slowed to the crawl found in most rural Nebraskan communities..
The bar you see standing today is Banana Rams. Our goal is to bring a full entertainment venue to Hordville stocked with the finest Nebraska beer, wine, and liquors.
So if you stop in just to say hello or plan on hanging around for awhile, we hope you enjoy your visit to Hordville!